Thinking about Aluminium vs uPVC Windows?
If you still have older windows and doors in your home, they are unlikely to be performing at their best and will be contributing to heat loss and higher energy bills.
Aluminium windows and doors look great and are very good at stopping heat from escaping.

If you’ve not yet looked at the benefits of aluminium windows and how they can improve your home, we can help with our superb range of windows, doors, conservatories, bi-folding doors and even sash windows in aluminium.
Aluminium vs uPVC Windows
- PVCu Windows are often lower cost than Aluminium Windows
- Aluminium windows are normally stronger windows than PVCu windows
- Due to their inherent strength Aluminium Windows can have slimmer frames and heavier glass for better insulation
- Both Aluminium Windows and PVCu Windows are almost maintenance free
- Aluminium Windows can have a very long life span indeed, up to thirty years and more
- Both PVCu Windows and Aluminium Windows can offer excellent security, however Aluminium is often has the highest security features
- Perhaps one of the big advantages of Aluminium Windows is the much larger range of colours normally available

Older products (even if it is old double glazed windows) do not have the energy efficiency of modern aluminium doors and windows or event PVCu windows doors and conservatories.
This means that as the summer turns in to winter and the weather turns colder and windier your windows can actually contribute to heat loss throughout your property.
It is not just the windows and glass that play a part, it’s the whole building. New double glazed windows and doors will give you clear benefits.
Aluminium may not be the first thing you think of when you think of new windows and doors, but what you might not know is just how heat efficient today’s modern aluminium systems are.
Today Aluminium Windows and Doors are highly advanced, and being aluminium are much stronger than PVCu and also much slimmer allowing for greater glass area.
We also have a great range of bi-folding doors, crafted from slim, strong durable aluminium and available in over 200 colours !
Slim, strong and Durable Aluminium.

Even if you have traditional sash windows and thought you could only replace those with PVCu, these too are available from Surrey Windows.
Our aluminium lantern roofs and conservatories again offer all of today’s thermal benefits and quality.
Pop in and talk to our friendly experts at our showroom in Banstead.