Surrey Windows offer Aluminium Sliding Windows as well as our great range of PVC-u Sliding Sash Windows. But why should you think about an Aluminium Sash Window?
We are one of only a few firms to offer an Aluminium Sash Window.
There are many homes and flats built in the 1970’s and 1980’s where original solid framed sash windows were fitted. Often these must be replaced with the original windows.

Replace older Aluminium Sliding Windows with new Sash
Our Sash Windows have been used in many homes in London and Surrey. They have been fitted at as a new window or a replacement for older sliding Sash Windows.
Our Aluminium Sliding Windows have over 50 years of design behind them

Surrey Windows sliding sash windows have been around for over fifty years. The modern type of this successful aluminium sliding window now boasts many new features.
Our sash windows have the slimmest meeting rail on the market at only 36mm and this has so many benefits.
You could replace old timber windows with PVC-u sash windows. But there are a growing number of home owners who now prefer Aluminium.
Our Aluminium Sliding Windows have these great features.
A custom sliding window made to order
- The Sash balances that operate the sliding sashes are hidden
- Outside a visible “putty line” can be seen that looks the same as the chamfer often seen on wood windows
- Comes in a wide choice of powder coated finishes as well as silver, bronze and other metallic anodised shades
- Many design patents making this a most advanced aluminium window
- The first retractable parting bead in the UK replicates the look of original box sashes
- Upper and lower sashes tilt inwards for easy cleaning
- Available as a modern looking sliding window or a tradition sash window with feature horns
- The slimmest sash window available
The Surrey Windows Aluminium Sash window has ultra slim profiles. You can choose either a slim 43mm bottom rail as standard or the option of a deep 93mm rail.
Meeting rails are only 36mm high and that makes them the slimmest available. All of this means more glass area and lets more light though the window.
We also offer our sash windows with a range of cill sections, trickle vents and a range of white, black, silver or bronze hardware.
All windows are not the same !
Visit our Double Glazing Showroom to see the full range. We are ready to help you at our Banstead Showroom.