Surrey Windows have good reason to be proud of their A Rated Windows. We believe our PVC-u Double Glazing is the best you can get.
Surrey Windows are a local firm supplying Windows and Doors with over 35 years combined experience. We have many happy customers in Surrey and London.

The Government approved Window Energy Ratings scheme rates windows on a scale from G, being the lowest, up to A+ being the most energy efficient windows.

We firmly believe a window is not just a window. Customers should enjoy the very best in quality and security. Energy savings are a given and above all the best price you can get.
It is claimed an amazing 26% of all domestic heat loss escapes through the windows. Installing energy efficient windows can make big savings on fuel bills.
Many Window manufacturers show the energy efficiency of their products using an energy-rating scale from A to G. The whole window including the frame and the glass is checked for its efficiency at keeping heat.
Surrey Windows A Rated Windows and u-PVC Double Glazing are exclusive to Surrey Windows and offer:
- Slim line frames for maximum glass area
- High Security multi point locking
- Fully welded four chamber frame
- Anti-jemmy hinge bolts as standard
- Low profile glazing gasket – means no thick lines around the glass unit and makes the glazing gasket almost invisible
- Push button locking handles in a choice of colours with night vent position
- Internally glazed for best security
- Finest quality glass unit using clear Saint Gobain Planitherm® Total+ energy glass to allow the highest levels light into your room
- Our A Rated Windows use lead free PVC-u to stop cracking with age or extreme cold

All windows are not the same !
Visit our Double Glazing Showrooms to see the full range.
We are ready to help you at Banstead Showroom.